How to install latest version of gnuradio with CRC MMBtools live CD

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If you have installed Ubuntu and CRC mmbtools CD (beta 9 or older), you cannot use the WBX daughterboard because you need the latest version of gnuradio. In this case you can follow these steps to remove the old gnuradio and compile/install the new one. (taken from CRC Workshop organised at EBU)

First open /etc/apt/sources.list with a text editor, for example:

sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list

Inside this file, change all the URL's from http://(something) into . Then save and close.

sudo apt-get update 
sudo apt-get remove -y gnuradio gnuradio-doc libgnuradio libgnuradio-core libgnuradio-omnithread libgruel python-gnuradio-core libusrp usrp-doc python-wxgtk2.6
sudo apt-get -y install git-core autoconf libtool python-dev swig libfftw3-dev libcppunit-dev libusb-dev libboost1.37-dev guile-1.8-dev sdcc-nf libsdl1.2-dev libgsl0-dev
tar xzf gnuradio-3.3.0.tar.gz
cd gnuradio-3.3.0
./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc
make -j2
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig
sudo ln -s gnuradio-companion /usr/bin/grc 
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/