DRM trial II in Sottens

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Revision as of 14:54, 13 February 2011 by Coinchon (Talk | contribs)

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Following the amateur radio DRM trial on the phased out shortwave antenna in Sottens in 2004, it has been decided to make another amateur radio DRM trial but this time on the 188m MW antenna that has just been phased out on 31.12.2010.


Transmission schedule

The tests will happen on 13th February 2011 and 20th February 2011 with 15 minutes periods on the following times (same for both sundays):

  • 20h-20h15 CET (19h-19h15 UTC) TX on 7.180 MHz
  • 21h-21h15 CET (20h-20h15 UTC) on 3.780 MHz

We will use the narrowest band so 4.5kHz and high robustness to transmit slides.

Please send your reception reports to sottens@hb9mm.com


200px]  *[http://www.drm-sender.de Spark software (free full license gracefully offered by Michael Feilen)

  • USRP with LFTX daughterboard
  • Mini-circuits Gali74+ amplifier
  • Amateur radio linear amplifier.


to follow...