Ideas for projects
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Ideas for potential future projects
This is a small collection of ideas for developments or research that serves as a reminder, a starting point, and an incentive (e.g. for students).
These projects are part of the more long-term view of the tools, they are not planned yet.
ODR-DabMod on FPGA
Summary: It is a challenging, and therefore interesting idea in its own respect, to get ODR-DabMod to run on an FPGA platform. Some parts would run on a processor, other parts would be accelerated in custom logic. This would make it possible to use the USRP embedded devices as standalone DAB exciters. The USRP E300 looks promising (Xilinx Zynq).
Keywords: ODR-DabMod, FPGA, signal processing, USRP embedded series, USRP E300, Verilog/VHDL, C++
Proposed by: mpb User:hb9egm
Date: at RadioHack 2013 (Feb 2013)
Remarks: piratfm is doing something in that direction
Digital Predistortion
Summary: Power amplifiers are not entierly linear. The first step is to look into the possibilites and constraints given by the usual PC (dabmod) + USRP scenario for static predistortion. Then, research has to be done about the possibilities to do dynamic predistortion.
Keywords: ODR-DabMod, modulation, signal processing, C++
Proposed by: MC User:coinchon, mpb User:hb9egm
Date: July 2014
Dynamic Multiplex Reconfiguration
Summary: The title says it all. Add support for this feature. This will probably require a substantial amount of refactoring of ODR-DabMux, and therefore give the opportunity to make other things better. Requires a good understanding of the DAB standard and the ODR-DabMux implementation.
Keywords: ODR-DabMux, DAB standard, C++
Proposed by: mpb User:hb9egm
Date: July 2014
(template for new ideas, please copy-paste)
Summary: Describe the idea briefly
Keywords: list of keywords (e.g. modulation, signal processing, monitoring)
Proposed by: