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Revision as of 02:46, 28 November 2009 by Coinchon (Talk | contribs)

Jump to: navigation, search is the USRP complex stream or file replayer command developed by Communication Research Center (CRC) from Canada. It is written in python and is open.

CRC-Dwap takes complex sample as input, configure the USRP and daughterboard and send it to the USRP that is producng the RF signal.

Usage: [options] filename1 [-f frequency2 filename2 [...]]
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -a, --agc             enable agc
  -c CLOCKRATE, --clockrate=CLOCKRATE
                        set USRP clock rate (128e6)
  --copy                enable real to imag data copy when in real mode
  -e ENCODING, --encoding=ENCODING
                        choose data encoding: [s]igned or [f]loat.
  -f FREQUENCY, --frequency=FREQUENCY
                        set output frequency (222.064e6)
  -g GAIN, --gain=GAIN  set output pga gain
  -l, --list            list USRPs and daugtherboards
  -m MODE, --mode=MODE  mode: 1: real, 2: complex (2)
  -o, --osc             enable oscilloscope
                        set input sampling rate (3200000)
  -s, --spectrum        enable spectrum analyzer
  -u, --usrp            enable USRP output