DAB/DAB+ encoding

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Encoding the sound to MPEG-2 Layer II for DAB, MPEG-4 HE-AACv2 for DAB+ or video in MPEG-4 H.264 for T-DMB beforefeeding it to the multiplexer.


DAB audio encoding with toolame

  • toolame MPEG-Layer II encoder (DAB)

mpg123 input

toolame can take a file or a raw PCM stream as input.

"mpg123" can be used to take Internet radio stream and convert them from mp3 to raw PCM samples. Be careful, it has been noticed that earlier version have a memory leak when resampling. We use version 1.4.3 to avoid the problem.

Example that decode an mp3 stream, resample it to 48kHz and output the raw samples to stdout:

mpg123 -b 1024 -r 48000 -s http://maxxima.mine.nu:8000

jack input

Toolame doesn't support jack, we use arecord with ALSA emulation to get the raw PCM stream. It is a dirty workaround, it is foreseen to find a better way in the future for example by modifying toolame to support jack:


arecord -t raw -f S16_LE -c 2 -r 48000 -D jackplug |toolame -s 48 -D 4 -b 128 /dev/stdin ./1.ff

DAB+ audio encoding with crc-dabplus

  • CRC-dabplus HE-AAC encoder (DAB+) from CRC (warning, it is not free/open source because of royalty)

jack input

crc-dabplus uses Gstreamer for input/output.

Example of jackplug input (ALSA emulation), encoding at 48kbps, output to a FIFO file:

crc-dabplus -i card://jackplug -c 2 -b 48 -o file://2.ff

Tools for data services encoding