First licensed open dab transmission

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For the first time, the open source encoder, multiplexer, modulator designed by CRC (MMBTools) will be used for a licensed local transmission during Label Suisse festival for a performance with MXLabs.

Swiss Administration has granted a 8 channels multiplexer to be used on air on channel 10A during the festival between 17th to 19th September in Lausanne.

The installation will consist of a single PC running Linux and with a 8 channels soundcard and USRP doing the DAB encoding, multiplexing and modulation. This transmission will transmit in DAB the audio of a mosaic of 8 music bands that will be video projected for the performance. DAB Radios tuned to all these channels will then be spread all over the place and people will also receive free receivers.

It is already a long time that people are experimenting DAB transmission using MMBTools and Open Software Defined Radio but it is is the first time it is used for a licensed transmission. This milestone demonstrate that digital radio has become democratized not only for experimentation but also for local or ultra-local transmission.

After this experience, it is planned to request a temporary licensed test transmission for the coverage of an entire city using the same solution but with a amplifier, professional mask filter and band III antenna.

For more information: Mathias Coinchon or Stanislas Roehrich.
