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ODR-DabMux is a free open source DAB Multiplexer initially developed by Communication Research Center (CRC) from Canada, and subsequently forked by opendigitalradio. It is a command line tool.

The development is done publicly on GitHub with releases available ad interim on http://mpb.li

This page describes how to compile and use odr-dabmux.


Build information for ODR-DabMux


You will need boost at least version 1.42. The one from your distribution is probably fine, and if you have installed GNURadio or UHD, you will already have it.

If you want to use the zeromq inputs or outputs, you need a recent (4.0.3 is best) version of ZeroMQ. It is probably preferred to install it from source:

wget http://download.zeromq.org/zeromq-4.0.3.tar.gz
cd zeromq-4.0.3
sudo make install

This will install it into /usr/local

ODR-DabMux also depends on libfec from Phil Karn. On 64-bit machines, the original libfec doesn't compile (" fec.h:267: Error: bad register name `%dil' "). A patched version that compiles on x86_64 (and even on ARM) is available on GitHub (.zip)


Once the prerequisites are installed, do

./configure --with-debug-malloc=no --disable-debug --enable-input-zeromq --enable-output-zeromq
sudo make install

or, if you don't have zeromq:

./configure --with-debug-malloc=no --disable-debug
sudo make install

then you can execute, as a test

odr-dabmux -h

When building, be careful to disable debugging, otherwise there will be lot of wasted CPU usage.

Compilation from the git repository

If you cloned the git repository, you might need to call


to re-generate the autotools scripts and generate the ./configure script

After that, it's the same as above


There are two ways to use ODR-DabMux: with command line arguments or with a configuration file.

Command line interface

There are quite many arguments and options, and the best is to read the manpage (man odr-dabmux) first, and then to look at some examples (e.g. mux-throttled.sh)

Configuration file

The full configuration can also be specified in a configuration file.

The example configuration file that is included in doc (example.mux) contains an example with a multiplex consisting of two services. The example file is commented, and is a good example to build your own.

To run odr-dabmux with a configuration file, run

odr-dabmux -e my_config.mux

Additional information

More information

Documentation and descriptions on CRC-DabMux can be found on http://mmbtools.crc.ca/content/view/39/65/

The last version published by CRC is version, on which the latest developments are based.

Patch to increase page size

Some glitches have been noticed on some machines. They are due to underruns in the FIFO. This patch increases the buffer sizes in the mux. wrning, this patch will also increase the delay. To apply it use, the patch command. (for CRC-DabMux <=

--- src/dabInputFifo.cpp.org	2011-09-27 10:08:35.202323204 -0400
+++ src/dabInputFifo.cpp	2011-09-27 10:13:57.638315966 -0400
@@ -169,11 +169,12 @@
     if (data->buffer != NULL) {
         delete data->buffer;
-    if (size == 0) {
-        size = 1024;
-    }
-    data->buffer = new unsigned char[size * 16];
     data->maxSize = size * 16;
+    int minSize = 2*getpagesize();
+    while (data->maxSize < minSize) {
+        data->maxSize += size;
+    }
+    data->buffer = new unsigned char[data->maxSize];
 #ifdef _WIN32
     ReleaseSemaphore(data->semBuffer, 1, NULL);

See the manpage for more info: