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(API Description: Add AddServiceComponent() description)

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API Description

DemodError SetDevice(LibSDRSource* libSDRSource)
Description Sets the SDR driver source from the library libsdrsource.
Parameter libSDRSource: libsdrsource object
return Error code enum object

DemodError OpenDevice(void)
Description Opens the device
Parameter none
return Error code enum object

DemodError CloseDevice(void)
Description Closes the device
Parameter none
return Error code enum object

DemodError Start(void)
Description Starts the OFDM demodulation
Parameter none
return Error code enum object

DemodError Stop(void)
Description Stops the OFDM demodulation
Parameter none
return Error code enum object

DemodError SetFrequency(int32_t FrequencyKHz)
Description Sets the channel frequency in kHz
Parameter FrequencyKHz: Channel frequency in kHz
return Error code enum object

 DemodError SetChannel(string Channel)
Description Sets the channel (Band III: 5A to 13F; L band: LA to LP)
Parameter Channel: Channel string e.g.
return Error code enum object

DemodError GetFrequency(int32_t* FrequencyKHz)
Description Gets the current frequency
Parameter FrequencyKHz: Pointer to frequency in KHz
return Error code enum object

DemodError GetChannel(string* Channel)
Description Gets the current channel
Parameter Channel: Channel string e.g. “5A”
return Error code enum object

DemodError GetSignalStatus(CSignalStatus* SignalStatus)
Description Gets the current signal status
Parameter SignalStatus: Pinter to signal status object.
return Error code enum object

DemodError RemoveServiceComponent(CServiceComponent ServiceComponent)
Description Removes a selected service component
Parameter ServiceComponent: Service component object
return Error code enum object

CServiceComponent AddServiceComponent(char mode, char SubChId, short StartCU, char UEP_EEP, char UEPTabldx, char EEPIdx, short CUNum, short PacketAddr, char FECScheme)
Description Adds a service component
Parameter Mode: DAB Mode. 0: DAB audio, 1: DAB+ audio, 2: packet, 3: stream

SubChId: Sub-channel identifier
StartCU: Address the first Capacity Unit (CU) of the sub-channel
UEP_EEP: Short or the long form of the size and protection field. 0: short form (UEP), 1: long form (EEP)
UEPTabldx: UEP Table index. Only used if UEP_EEP=0
EEPIdx: Protection level. Only used if UEP_EEP=1
CUNum: Sub-channel size (CUs)
PacketAddr: Address of the packet in which the service component is carried
FECScheme: FEC Scheme

return Service component object, NULL if an error occurred

For a detailed description please see "ETSI EN 300 401" section 6.2 "Sub-channel organization" and 6.3 "Service organization". [1]

DemodError GetServiceData(CServiceComponent ServiceComponent, CServiceData &ServiceData)
Description Gets the data of a selected service channel. This method is blocking. It blocks until new data is available.
Parameter ServiceComponent: Service component buffer
return Error code enum object

DemodError GetFICData(CFICData &FICData)
Description Gets the FIC data. This method is blocking. It blocks until new data is available.
Parameter FICData: FIC data buffer
return Error code enum object
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