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(API Description: Some minor changes)
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Latest revision as of 23:18, 10 February 2016

[edit] Introduction

libsdrsource is a library that provides the same interface for different SDR devices. At the moment this library is in the concept phase.

[edit] API Description

SDRError LibSDRSource::Open(void)
Description Opens the SDR device
Parameter none
return SDR error enum object

SDRError LibSDRSource::Close(void)
Description Closes the SDR device
Parameter none
return SDR error enum object

SDRError LibSDRSource::Reset(void)
Description Resets the SDR device
Parameter none
return SDR error enum object

SDRError LibSDRSource::SetFrequency(int32_t FrequencyKHz)
Description Sets the frequency in kHz
Parameter FrequencyKHz: Channel frequency in kHz
return SDR error enum object

SDRError LibSDRSource::GetFrequency(int32_t* FrequencyKHz)
Description Gets the current frequency
Parameter FrequencyKHz: Pointer to frequency in KHz
return SDR error enum object

SDRError LibSDRSource::GetSamples(CSDRSamples &SampleBuffer)
Description Gets the IQ samples. This method is blocking. It blocks until new data is available.
Parameter SampleBuffer: Sample buffer
return SDR error enum object
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