Band 3 baseband player

From Opendigitalradio
Jump to: navigation, search has got some problems with recent versions of Ubuntu (using new wxpython version) and gnuradio (change in the library calls).

A new baseband player for USRP1 has been designed and that is now compatible with recent Ubuntu versions. This player also include:

  • A pre mask filter to respect DAB mask spectrum (however a hardware mask filter is still needed after amplification)
  • Output spectrum display
  • Channel selection in VHF band 3

Source files


This tool requires no argument and is just inserted at the end of the (pipe) chain. It takes samples at 3.2MHz as standard input and send this stream to the USRP1. It is possible to change the frequency on the GUI interface and filter activation or spectrum display.

Please note that the activation or de-activation of these functionalities causes interruption of the transmission.


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